Art and Design

Art and Design Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact 




Our intent at Thirsk Community Primary School is that our teaching of Art and Design will engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own high quality works of art, craft and design.


Our Intent for the approach to Art and Design is to:


  • engage and inspire pupils taking part in a variety of creative art, craft and design activities.
  • equip pupils with the knowledge and skills which allow them to experiment and create their own works of art, craft and design.
  • challenge pupils to think critically, evaluate and analyse use the language of art, craft and design.
  • know about great artists, craft makers and designers and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.


At Thirsk Community Primary School we aim to make sure the subject matter is broad and includes culturally and ethnically diverse artists. They should also know how Art and Design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.

 Our Art and Design Curriculum does not focus solely upon the finished product. We intend that, through Art and Design lessons, children will understand that ‘art’ is a process that can be learned if broken down into smaller, simple steps. We encourage pupils to develop skills over time, demonstrate their skills in a variety of ways and offer the opportunity to ask questions. Children to have the opportunity to explore their ideas and record their experiences. Our intent is to encourage critical thinking, developing pupil’s language and confidence talking about art, craft and design.

The learning sequence for Art and Design is designed to develop skills over time and it allows pupils to build and revisit skills. Pupils use sketch books to experiment and explore their creativity as well as ‘magpie’ ideas from peers and other artists and designers.


Statement of Implementation  


The National Curriculum provides a structure and skill development for the Art and Design curriculum being taught. Learning across the curriculum is sequentially planned to build on knowledge and skills, with links to a diverse range of artist, craft people and designers.


  • In EYFS, Art and Design plays a very important role in their development. Children are taught to represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music and dance. They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function. They are introduced to artistic language and vocabulary and are encouraged to talk about their own and others art. There are many opportunities to revisit and practise skills and techniques.
  • Across Key Stages 1 and 2 progression of skills and knowledge are carefully planned to ensure pupils develop their techniques, including their control and use of materials with creativity, imagination, experimentation and increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.
  • Teachers have good subject knowledge of a wide range of artistic skills and are able to break the appropriate skills into small simple steps so all learners achieve success.
  • Teachers encourage critical thinking and reflection, allowing experimentation, collaboration and discussion about processes, ideas and finished pieces. Connections, similarities and differences are discussed between their own and artists work.
  •  Sketch books are used to explore, observe, record, develop and practise skills and ideas. They are revisited, reviewed and valued. They build up a picture of pupil’s progress in the visual arts and move through school with the pupils, helping teachers as part on the ongoing assessment.
  • End of unit outcomes for each year group are used by staff to assess pupils who are working toward, working at expected or exceeding expected levels of development in Art and design
  • Yearly Art weeks are used to further celebrate the diversity of artists and culture. Immersing children in a week of Art, culminating in a gallery evening where excellence and enjoyment of art can be shared and enjoyed with the wider community.

Statement of Impact  

The successful approach at Thirsk Community Primary results in a creative, engaging, high-quality Art and Design education, which inspires and equips children with the knowledge and skills which will allow them to contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation in the future.

 Pupils voice shows that children are passionate about art and design, highly motivated and gain great enjoyment from engaging in all art and design activities. They are able to talk about the artists they have studied, discuss their own work and have ideas about how they would like to improve their skills and knowledge further. Art weeks have been a particular source of pride for the children, creating lasting memories, inspiration and immersing pupils in the creative process.