Our new curriculum at Thirsk Community Primary School follows the statutory requirements set out by the government whilst aiming to inspire each pupil to achieve their very best. To do this we provide our pupils with a rich, broad and balanced curriculum which meets the needs of all our pupils.
The curriculum is underpinned by the school’s Core Values (Compassion, Perseverance, Respect, Enjoyment and Excellence) and these are taught on their own and through all areas of the curriculum, including assemblies.
The aim of our curriculum is for pupils to be future ready and fully prepared for their next stage of learning and beyond. Pupils will have the knowledge and skills needed to be successful and be able to make an active and positive contribution to society and the wider world.
Our aim is that pupils will develop the skills and knowledge and the emotional resilience and maturity to thrive in Modern Britain. Through our curriculum our pupils will develop a strong sense of right and wrong and an understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe. Pupils will understand how to keep themselves both mentally healthy as well as physically healthy. Our hope is that through our curriculum pupils will have strong linguistic and communication skills to be able to act as a friend and comforter but to share knowledge and understanding in the many different circumstances that they may find themselves in. The curriculum we deliver aims to equip our pupils to be the mathematicians, the writers , the historians, the performers and artists, the computer programmers , the scientists, the geographers, the designers and the musicians of the future…..
To do this we will create an exciting and dynamic curriculum that:
1. Champions the love of language and communication
-A language rich curriculum, that develops pupils love of reading
2. Prioritises health and wellbeing
-A curriculum that promotes healthy life styles
3. A curriculum that deepens pupils knowledge and experiences of our World
-A curriculum that is structured to promote real life experiences and skills
-A curriculum that promotes diversity and promotion of different cultures
4. A curriculum that is designed to challenges pupils understanding and develop resilience so that they are prepared for the next stages in life
-A curriculum that is structured to raise pupils aspirations and self-belief
-A curriculum that celebrates and appreciates the cultural capital in and beyond Thirsk
Summary of pupil voice
· I like doing and writing experiments, then we can use what we have been learning in Literacy
· Lessons are exciting when the teacher puts a question on the board that challenges you
· Lessons are exciting when the teacher is excited about what they are teaching
· Pupils enjoy first hand experiences e.g visits to Eden Camp or Harlow Carr and enjoy learning through topics