Promoting Fundamental British Values at Thirsk Community Primary School
‘All maintained schools must meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their pupils. Through ensuring pupils’ SMSC development, schools can also demonstrate they are actively promoting fundamental British values.’
DfE November 2014
At Thirsk C. P. School, we actively promote the fundamental British Values of
- Democracy
- Rule of Law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual Respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Democracy – making decisions together
We develop our understanding of the democratic process by having our voices heard through school council. Class representatives are elected annually by ballot, following hustings. Our School Council meets regularly to work on projects which the school community has brought to their attention. In addition, we vote for team captains and regularly experience decision-making by holding class votes on topics such as which class book to read, or the charities for which we’d like to fund raise.
Rule of law – understanding that rules matter and keep us safe
We learn to understand that laws and rules are important aspects of our lives. We all know our school’s Golden Rules and understand that with them, they bring rights and responsibilities, as well as consequences when they are broken.
- We have kind hands and feet
- We follow instructions first time
- We care for everyone and share
- We look after property
- We use language that doesn’t hurt or upset
Regular visitors to school such as the Police and Fire Services help reinforce our understanding that the rule of law is there to protect us and keep us safe and free from harm.
Individual liberty – freedom for all
As a school, we value the freedom we have to make choices and encourage our pupils to develop the ability to make reasoned and well-considered choices for themselves through our PSHEC lessons and E-safety teaching. In assembly, we hear about other places in the world where people do not enjoy the same liberties as ourselves. Pupils are encouraged at all times to value their freedom of choice, and to appreciate that in order to keep themselves safe, they should exercise it responsibly.
with rights, come responsibilities!
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs – treat others as you would like to be treated.
Through our learning in PSHEC, RE, Collective Worship and our behaviour code, we encourage all pupils to treat others as they would like to be treated themselves. Our anti-bullying policy and practice supports pupils in understanding and valuing individual differences, whilst our By-stander code ensures that pupils understand their responsibility to address issues such as bullying. Our use of Restorative Practice in resolving conflict encourages pupils to develop mutual respect and tolerance of others. We exploit opportunities from within our school community to learn about other cultures and their traditions, e.g. from our Eastern European and Fijian families, Tour de Yorkshire. In addition, we invite visitors to share their beliefs and faith with us, e.g. Nepalese children. Our ‘Window on the World’ assemblies which are planned and led by pupils provide opportunities for pupils to raise awareness on topics of their own personal interest.
respecting diversity beyond our doors