
1st July 2024


Another fun packed and diverse enrichment week.

This time we have danced, skipped, hopped and jumped our way through the week.

It started with KS2 pupils learning wheelchair basketball. Wheelchair

basketball is a style of basketball played using a sports wheelchair. 

We had Adam in to do some tennis coaching, which was ACE!!!

Dave from Skip to be fit is a regular here at TCP and the vibe is allways  very loud, fun and energetic!

Skip2bfit skipping workshops use specially designed counting skipping ropes to incorporate numeracy whilst promoting fitness and healthy living.

Jon Steel our very own sports coach and ex –rugby league player, held his

famous rugby Tots sessions.

The Climbing wall was back for another year, this always creates excitement as we all held our breathe waiting to see who would reach the top!

Glen Hilton the Athletics coach whipped us all in to shape with some athletics challenges

Eleanor from Team Rubison took Scootability and Skateboarding to a whole new level as pupils whizzed  around the  playground and  learned some new tricks and skills !!!

Carl from kidzfit brought so much information to us about leading a healthy lifestyle including nutrition, fitness and some very interesting facts about the body and energy. He played some fab music and games with us all.