End of Year Expectations
Year 2
This is information for parents/carers on the end of year expectations for children in our school. The National Curriculum outlines these expectations as being the minimum requirements your child should meet each year. All of the objectives will be focused on throughout the year as part of your child’s lessons. Any extra support you can provide in helping your child to achieve these expectations is greatly valued. If you have any queries regarding these expectations or would like support in knowing how to help your child with these, please see the class teacher.
Word Reading:
- I can apply knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes to read aloud and to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.
- I can read further exception words, noting the unusual correspondences between spelling and sound.
- I attempt pronunciation of unfamiliar words drawing on prior knowledge of similar looking words.
- I read a range of fiction, poetry, plays, and non-fiction texts.
- I can discuss the texts that I read.
- I can read aloud and independently, taking turns and listening to others.
- I can explain how non-fiction books are structured in different ways and can use them effectively.
- I can explain some of the different types of fiction books.
- I can ask relevant questions to get a better understanding of a text.
- I can predict what might happen based on details I have.
- I can draw inferences such as inferring a characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions.
- I can use a dictionary to check the meaning of unfamiliar words.
- I can identify the main point of a text.
- I can explain how structure and presentation contribute to the meaning of texts.
- I can use non-fiction texts to retrieve information.
- I can prepare poems to read aloud and to perform, showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action.
- I can segment spoken words into phonemes and record these as graphemes.
- I can spell words with alternatives spellings.
- I can spell longer words using suffixes such as ‘ment’, ‘ness’, ‘ful’, ‘less’, ‘ly’.
- I can use my knowledge of alternative phonemes to narrow down possibilities for accurate spelling.
- I can identify phonemes in unfamiliar words and use syllables to divide words.
- I can form lower-case letters of the correct size.
- I can begin to use some of the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters.
- I show that I know which letters are best left unjoined.
- I use capital letters and digits of the correct size, orientation and relationship to one another and to lower case letters.
- I use spacing between words that reflects the size of the letters.
- I can write narratives about personal experiences and those of others, both real and fictional.
- I can write for different purposes, including real events.
- I can plan and discuss the content of writing and record my ideas.
- I am able to orally rehearse structured sentences or sequences of sentences.
- I can evaluate my writing independently, with friends and adults.
- I can proof-read to check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Sentence structure:
- I can use subordination and co-ordination.
- I can use expanded noun phrases.
- I can say how the grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function.
Text structure:
- I consistently use the present tense and past tense correctly.
- I can use the progressive forms of verbs in the present and past tense.
- I use capital letters for proper nouns and the personal pronoun ‘I’.
- I correctly use question marks and exclamation marks,
- I can use commas to separate items in a list.
- I can use apostrophes to show where letters are missing and to mark singular possession in nouns.
- I can read and write all numbers to at least 100 in numerals and words.
- I recognise odd and even numbers to 100.
- I can count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 from 0.
- I recognise and can define the place value of each digit in a 2 digit number.
- I can compare and order numbers from 0 to 100 using the < > and = signs.
- I can name the fractions 1/3, 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 and can find fractional values of shapes, lengths and numbers.
- I can recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10x tables.
- I can add and subtract a 2-digit number and ones.
- I can add and subtract a 2-digit number and tens.
- I can add and subtract two 2-digit numbers.
- I can add three 1-digit numbers.
- I can solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
- I understand and can use commutivity in relation to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Measurement and Geometry:
- I can choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate length, height, temperature and capacity.
- I can tell and write the time to 5 minute intervals.
- I recognise and can use the symbols £ and p when solving problems involving addition and subtraction of money.
- I can describe the properties of 2D and 3D shapes to include edges, vertices and faces.
- I can interpret and construct pictograms, tally charts, block diagram and simple tables.